Yes we have another interview this week. A short one with Fred Edwords who is going around the country to talk about the United Coalition of Reason which may be coming to a city near you!
This Week:
00:01:38 Skeptical Birthdays
00:06:35 TFC DVDs are IN!
00:09:49 Jessica Ahlquist00:08:47 San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro supports sam sex marriage pledge
00:14:05 Supreme Court rulings...or not
00:25:06 Obama and contraception
00:35:40 Teens thought they couldn't get pregnant
00:49:20 Interview with Fred Edwords from the United Coalition of Reason
01:01:50 Lightning Round with an extra bonus ending!
01:15:48 Shout outs and stuff
And the dogs go in and out and in and out and finally stay in until they decide to go out again.
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The Big Board (points to whoever notices which segment got cut, which we may upload as an extra)