Friday, June 14, 2013

Episode 115 Tries To Fix Some Moon-Sized Mistakes (A Week In Advance)

Yes, dear listener, this is episode 115. Don't worry, we'll get episode 114 out to you next week. There's a special guest on that episode and we had some technical difficulties with the audio files.

On the bright side, because of some scheduling conflicts that would prevent us from recording next week (June 19th) your intrepid hosts just to happened to have pre-recored the episode for June 19th on the same night (June 12th) . So rather than leave you dear listeners with no Skeptic Wire entertainment this weekend, we're going to release the second episode (number 115) this week and we'll get the original episode we meant to post this week (number 114) to you next Friday. Cheers!

00:00 Mea Culpa
02:10 Credits, Intro, How Was Your Week
05:03 Skeptical Birthday (SPOILER)
21:31 Organizations And Controversies
56:24 Our Facebook Oops
58:53 Lightning Round
66:49 Closing

The dogs are recording their own episode this week via Sk-yipe-yipe-yipe

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