Friday, November 2, 2012

Episode 082 sings the praises of the coming election referendum and actually sings: SONG CHALLENGE

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00:01:00 Coffee Chat
00:06:45 Birthdays Jenny McCarthy, Larry Flyntt
00:18:00 Ballot issues and referendum
00:23:40 California and the Death Penalty
00:37:35 Physician Assisted Suicide in Massachussettes
00:47:45 Gay Marriage Initiatives
01:10:40 Song Challenge
Use the words: splanchnocranium, United Nations Day, Alfred Hitchcock
1:13:15 Gregs Song: Holding On
1:22:07 Garys Song: Donnaween
Both songs and Gregs extra song Happy Sloth can be found at
And Harpo is upset that we cannot remember her name plus tries to explain her stance on gay marriage.

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Song Challenge Words
Greg Perrine- Holding On
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object>  <span><a href="">Holding On - Greg's Song Nov2012</a> by <a href="">skepticwire</a></span>
Holding On

How long
Can you hold onto a dream
Trying to grasp at the clouds
The details slip into ether
Sex Visions or Hitchcock horror
We can’t hold onto either
As real as they may seem
You gotta let go of those dreams

How long  
Can you hold onto an idea
A straw can break the back
Of a conspiracy house of cards
Masons and United Nations
Are usually who they say they are
As real as you want it to be a
You gotta let go of those ideas.

How long
Can you hold onto a belief
It hits you in the splanchnocranium
That gods and ghosts are myths
Fantasies make great stories
Reality is what we live with
As real as a nice motif
You gotta let go of those beliefs

How long
Can you hold on to a love
Dreams, ideas, and beliefs
Were once the stuff of songs
But youre only hurting yourself
By holding on too long
As real as I ever knew
What do I do about you

As real as I ever knew
What do I do about you
How long---------------------------------------  

Gary Laun - Donnaween
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object>  <span><a href="">Donnaween - Gary's Song Nov2012</a> by <a href="">skepticwire</a></span>
Sometimes satellites can be seen flying through the night
Reflecting sunlight to the ground below
Other times theyre at my door demanding candy asking for
Tricks or treats then they go
Oh, Im playing dumb
I ask them what they are and where they come from
Werewolves Vampires skeletons displaying splanchnocraniums
Going door to door to door so eagerly
I’m waiting for the bell to show a pathway to the gates of hell
Watching Hitchcock on an LCD

Oh,     Im not so smart
Snacking on the chocolate caramels and sweet tarts

Miniature politicians say United Nations Day was last
They’re scarier by far than the zombie aliens with oozing scars

I sometimes dress it depends but usually Im behind the lens
Making pictures independently
Other times Im on the mic fielding snarky comments left and right
And you can hear me Fridays at three

Oh  its maybe make believe
Even if it fits in the realm of anthropology Ill make no apology
for my demagoguery and Ill end this song on cheese

Happy Sloth
<object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object>  <span><a href="">Happy Sloth - Greg Perrine extra song for November</a> by <a href="">skepticwire</a></span>

Happy Sloth is happy
Happy Sloth is happy
He went to the doc,
And he got his shot,
|Happy Sloth is happy

Brave Moose is Brave
Brave Moose is Brave
He didn't move a bit
For that needle stick
Brave Moose is Brave

Da lady bug is a lady
Da lady bug is a lady
A nurse stuck her arm
Now she's protected from harm
Da lady bug is a lady

Smart turtle is smart
Smart turtle is smart
She came for her annual
Got her doses on schedule
Smart turtle is smart

Don't you listen to mister Wakefield
Because his data he fake-field
Just cause McCarthy's on Oprah
Doesn't mean you should lose hope-rah
If you don't want the blues
Don't read the Natural News
Cause the science tells you facts
That it's a good idea to get vaxed!!

Happy Sloth is happy
Happy Sloth is happy
He went to the doc,
And he got his shot,
Happy Sloth is happy

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