Thursday, May 5, 2011

Podcast Episode 4 is a GO! GO! GO!

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This Week:
-  New member of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce
- Update on the Young Conservatives and Wayne Christian
- Texas Political Redistricting
- Ear Candle lawsuit
- Power Bands changes it's tune
- Osama Bin Laden is killed or not, says Alex Jones
- Interview with Berry Lynn from the 1st Amendment Rally in San Antonio
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  1. Thanks for the shout out guys! I appreciate your look at how Alex Jones comes up with his silly nonsense. Your look at how he takes one tiny fact and how he speculates on top of that made my day ... I've listen to him before & it is bad enough hearing this guy yell into the mike like a WWF wrestler doing a ring interview, let alone what this guy preaches 3 hours a day on the radio.

    I am perturbed that Alex Jones (and those like him) acceptance into popular culture is scary to me ...

    I'd love to see a skeptical look and a lot of the conspiracy nonsense he (and many others Jessie Ventura, Peter Joseph ie: Zeigeist & David Icke)...eventaully, there's so much to cover.

    My name Erehwonmai is "I am now here" or "I am nowhere" spelled backwards. It is best pronounced "Air-won-my".

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Please forgive the bad grammer:
    I'd love to see a skeptical look at a lot of the conspiracy nonsense he (and many others Jessie Ventura, Peter Joseph ie: Zeigeist & David Icke)...eventaully, there's so much to cover.
