Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rick Santorum: Sharia Compliant Banking

Today, while speaking with National Press Club, Chris Moody from the Daily Caller asked Rick Santorum this question:

You mentioned that Sharia law is an existential threat to the United States and there seems to be some general confusion among the general public on how to define Sharia law. How do define Sharia law and can you point to some instances with the United States that its taking over in a way or...

**Transcript follows below. Give it just a second. C-Span's embedder didn't like me very much!**

Here is what Rick Santorum had to say:

Well, if you're looking at instances where it has taken over, we have in the financial sector, sharia compliant finance where funds and people who are doing investments are deferring to people put by groups some of which, lets put it this way, suspect as to authority of what these funds can be invested in a sharia compliant way. Investment houses and others and banks are paying less than reputable people a lot of money to give their blessing for their types of investments. That's a problem. Its a way of, depending on what their investing in and who they are paying to give their blessing could be ways in which resources go to places that I'm not too sure are necessarily in our national security interests. You also have situations where you have movements in this country where you try to cordon off and create family courts or other types of laws where Muslims are only held account to religious law as opposed to the civil laws in this country. That has gone on extensively in Europe but its coming here and its being advocated for in this country. There are concrete examples of how that is occuring in America today and I would argue clearly, I'm not making the argument that America is by any way in the lead on this. The bigger problems and the more notable cases are clearly in places where the higher concentration of Muslims exist and thats primarily in Western Europe and not here.

Sharia is a code of, a civil code of both how the government is to operate, to things as mundane as personal hygeine. Religious practices, it is made up of all various texts, not just the Qu'ran but of various texts that is a code by which Muslims have to live.

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